Often times, issues arising between employers and their employees can be
minimized or prevented by the appropriate counseling and progressive discipline
measures. Deciding whether to discipline your employee and to what degree is very
significant in the employment law context. Many times employers do not document
their employees' misbehavior or absenteeism, which can be fatal down the line in
court. It is very important for employers to properly document the disciplinary
actions taken and to maintain a personnel file with this documentation so that the
employee is put on notice that his or her conduct was unacceptable. Without this
documentation, a judge, jury or arbitrator might find that the employee was
ultimately terminated for discriminatory or retaliatory reasons. It is also very
important for employers to consistently enforce their policies and disciplinary
procedures with respect to all employees.
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Please fill out the form on the left for a free case evaluation. You may also call our office at 855-LABOR-FL (855-522-6735) to schedule a free phone consultation, or
contact us online. We're here to help you with your case or any questions you might have.